Edmonton Congregations
The need is there. The hunger is there. Will YOU be?
Come join us for lunch. Take on the rich experience of serving those who need it most. It's a lot of work, for sure. But the reward is so much greater. Reach out to us today.
Congregational Resources
The intention of this part of our site is to provide ideas and materials for congregations that are already part of our ministry network that are looking for additional ways to support ICPM and for groups and parishes or individuals that are looking to become involved with our ministry for the first time. We hope that you will find the links and resources on this page to be helpful, and we welcome any comments, questions or suggestions that you might have.
ICPM is very grateful for the many volunteers that come from the more than 60 churches, synagogues and other faith and community groups that come together every Sunday of the year to provide a nutritious lunch after the Community of Emmanuel worship service held at the Bissell Centre West (10530 – 96th Street). We couldn’t do it without you!
There is a lot of work required to put on a full lunch for 300 people! From the many different elements of the food and beverages that we serve, to the way to volunteers are to assist, there is lots to learn and absorb. Many of the volunteers have done this several times before, but there are always lots of first time volunteers among the groups that come every Sunday to serve.
For a checklist brochure for the Sunday Lunch program and inxformation on the food elements and volunteer duties please click HERE.
A key part of the Sunday ministry of ICPM is the hard work and support of the coordinators in each of the churches, synagogues and other faith and community groups that provide the volunteers and food for the Community of Emmanuel worship service and lunch held at the Bissell Centre West (10530 – 96th Street). Our coordinators organize the provision of food and the recruitment of volunteers for the Sunday that their church or group is serving on. They also act as a liaison to the ICPM Board and staff, providing valuable input and feedback on their experiences.
For an inxformation brochure for “Tips” for congregational coordinators for both before and after the Sunday Lunch program please click HERE.
On a congregation/parish's serving Sunday, the loose offering from their home worship service is designated to be given to ICPM.
This provides financial support for ICPM, as well as a giving opportunity for individual congregational members. This builds a bridge from the volunteers serving at the Bissell Centre back to those present at the home service, and thereby unites the congregation their heart for the Inner City.
One of our ten supporting congregations has been holding the Sundays for several years, and they receive in the range of $500.00 to $600.00 in the loose offering on the designated Sunday! Not only does this provide a great financial boost to our ministry, but it also helps to generate a much greater awareness within their congregation of ICPM and the ministry of presence that we provide in the inner city. Members of the congregation become much more than just passive observers of the ministry of ICPM. They become active participants.
For our info sheet click HERE.
Sunday Lunch Information and Checklist
ICPM is very grateful for the many volunteers that come from the more than 60 churches, synagogues and other faith and community groups that come together every Sunday of the year to provide a nutritious lunch after the Community of Emmanuel worship service held at the Bissell Centre West (10530 – 96th Street). We couldn’t do it without you!There is a lot of work required to put on a full lunch for 300 people! From the many different elements of the food and beverages that we serve, to the way to volunteers are to assist, there is lots to learn and absorb. Many of the volunteers have done this several times before, but there are always lots of first time volunteers among the groups that come every Sunday to serve.
For a checklist brochure for the Sunday Lunch program and information on the food elements and volunteer duties please click HERE.
"Tips" for Congregational Coordinators
A key part of the Sunday ministry of ICPM is the hard work and support of the coordinators in each of the churches, synagogues and other faith and community groups that provide the volunteers and food for the Community of Emmanuel worship service and lunch held at the Bissell Centre West (10530 – 96th Street). Our coordinators organize the provision of food and the recruitment of volunteers for the Sunday that their church or group is serving on. They also act as a liaison to the ICPM Board and staff, providing valuable input and feedback on their experiences.
For an information brochure for “Tips” for congregational coordinators for both before and after the Sunday Lunch program please click HERE.
Loose Offering Sunday
On a congregation/parish's serving Sunday, the loose offering from their home worship service is designated to be given to ICPM.
This provides financial support for ICPM, as well as a giving opportunity for individual congregational members. This builds a bridge from the volunteers serving at the Bissell Centre back to those present at the home service, and thereby unites the congregation their heart for the Inner City.
One of our ten supporting congregations has been holding the Sundays for several years, and they receive in the range of $500.00 to $600.00 in the loose offering on the designated Sunday! Not only does this provide a great financial boost to our ministry, but it also helps to generate a much greater awareness within their congregation of ICPM and the ministry of presence that we provide in the inner city. Members of the congregation become much more than just passive observers of the ministry of ICPM. They become active participants.
For our info sheet click HERE.